Rude Woman Wants More Butter At KFC Costume

Want to dress like a pretty-obscure-but-getting-more-popular meme this Halloween? Love pretending your a fat, ugly, racist slob? Do you really like butter? If you’ve answered yes to all of these questions, I’m glad this is the internet so I don’t have to look you in your miserable face. That said, this womans mode of dress – what Zoolander would describe as “Plus Size Derelicte” – is certainly unique enough to turn heads and made young children cry. Extra points if you carry around a KFC double-down and make xenophobic/racist remarks to anyone who won’t dole your fat butt more butter!

Want more meme-themed costume ideas? Head to for the webs largest selection of internet-inspired outfits!


Beenerkeekee Costume

Beenerkeekee aka Keenan Cahill first made us laugh at his hysterical lip-syncing videos. Then he made us cry with his story of sickness. But then he made us feel courage because he was such a trooper about it all. Then 50 cent and Katy Perry and Brian Wilson were all like, “Yo Keenan, you’re the best, can I be in your video?” and Keenan was all like “Hell yeah, y’all”.

Given this young mans unique character (and let’s face it, unique looks), Beenerkeekee the Youtube superstar kid is an awesome Halloween costume idea. Just get a reddish wig, some glasses, his emblematic headphones t-shirt and maybe some larger-than-life hands and you’re set. If you happen to be friends with a famous musician and are beloved online for your videos, that might help too.

More seriously, if you can, please help Keenan and people like him affected by MPS VI ((Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome). You can learn more about the disease and donate to the MPS Society HERE

Brian Wilson Beard

It’s well documented that San Francisco Giant Pitcher Brian Wilson has perhaps the most indomitable beard of our generation. He is a fastball-wielding menace on land while simultaneously portraying a salty sea captain around The Bay. His beard has become so popular, ESPN recently delved into the inner workings of his face fur, discovering lost civilizations and c-list actors within, all too happy to dwell in the coveted real estate.

So since you aren’t Brian Wilson, strap on a huge fake beard, get your self some Giants gear (or some Celtics jerseys. Maybe just a yellow slicks and some fish stink) and become the beard. Fear it.


Pan-Am Stewardess Costume

Everyone loves retro style. And nothing is more retro this year than the Pan-Am Stewardess Costume! Fly high with sophisticated (or sexy) style with the outfit, hat, gloves and bags. And what better outfit to wear in groups? Girl power! has a great selection of Stewardess outfits, ranging from your sluttier variety or outfits to the more upscale, classy costumes that more accurately depict the ladies in the ABC show. But hey, we don’t judge, we love all types of stewardesses!



Welcome to 1963: a time when only a lucky few could take flight, experience a global adventure or gain a front-row seat to history. Those lucky few flew Pan Am, the largest, most prestigious airline in the world. More than Coca-Cola, Elvis Presley or the transistor, Pan Am exported American culture to the world abroad and brought that world back to American shores.

The jet age has arrived and Pan Am’s Clipper Majestic is about to embark on its inaugural flight with Captain Dean Lowrey at the helm. Dean, who has recently been made captain wouldn’t trade this moment for anything in the world. Step by step, Maggie Ryanhas climbed her way up to a better life, to greater opportunity. As Purser of Pan Am’s new Clipper Majestic, she’s at last riding high; determined not to fall. Kate Cameron left her sheltered life in East Granby, Connecticut to brave the intrigue of a wide new world. Now, she must brave even more intrigue in becoming an international agent for the CIA.

In running off on her wedding day, Kate’s sister, Laura Cameron, left her past and future, following her older sibling to the skies of Pan Am; a bold move, but one with serious personal consequences. Born and raised in France, Colette Valois has an innate understanding of international affairs. But in affairs of the heart, she’s still a wanderer, a searcher, a soul traveling a confused sea. First Officer and Co-Pilot Ted Vanderway, a former Navy test pilot, finds the commercial skies every bit as turbulent as he struggles to overcome past mistakes and prove his worth as an aviator.

Join our crew as they travel to intoxicating cities such as Paris, Berlin, Monte Carlo and Rome and bump into history along the way. Through their eyes we revisit an era nearly half a century ago.

So, buckle up; adventure calls. And thank you for choosing Pan Am.

The Top Couples Costumes of Halloween 2011? Who will it be?

You tell us! And by the way, every couples costume set can be found at (isn’t that just perfect?)


If you’ve been Keeping Up with the Kardashians then you know they’re the hottest things since Basturma – raw, air-dried, Armenian beef.  But really, we are all just Kardashian girls living in a Kardashian world.  Stop fighting it.  Just eat a lot of Karl’s Jr. burgers to bulk up your butt, and buy the Kardashian wig at


I could say you want to be like Russell Brand because he’s funny as hell or because he looks like a rock star, but let’s be honest.  You want to be Russell Brand because his wife has big bouncy booooooobies!!!!!!  Go to to get them hot titties…. I mean costumes.


Princess Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Her Royal Highness and Heiress to Party Pieces….  Say whaaaaat?  That’s right.  Our pretty little princess comes from a long line of costume folk, which is even more reason to be Kate Middleton this Halloween.  She’s hot, she’s royalty and she’s purebred Halloweener.



California girls, Katycats, Double D’s…. I mean take a peak at those things. Rather, open your eyes as wide as they can go because her huge, awesome tits are monstrous. We’re talking linebackers of the boob world. The 8th and 9th world wonders. Massive melons. Sweet lordy lordy, I just want to get lost in her hills and bounce endlessly on the lush landscape that is her supple bosom. Katy Perry’s boobs could cure world hunger. They’ve already cured lupis (wikipedia it, it’s 100% confirmed). It is said that Katy Perry’s boobs once got asked to play Beethoven’s 5th Symphony on the xylophone and without a lick of practice, nailed the entire piece, even adding their own unique boob style. Prodigies! They are so big that the sun gets pulled to them; not so much because of gravitational reasons but because the sun loves huge, awesome tits. KATY PERRY’S BOOBS OOOOOOOOHHH MMMYYYYY GOOOOODDDDDD!!!!!

Oh, did we mention that being her for Halloween isn’t a bad idea either? Pick up her blue wig, cupcake outfit and even Russell Brand at And for goodness sake, please supply some big fat titties to go along with the outfit. The world thanks you.


If you want to dictate the scene this Halloween, we’ve got the costume that will [oppressively] dominate all others: the Kim Jong Il Costume.  This ensemble will give you the magical powers to control your woman, your man and even your entire race.

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